Franks Music Page
English version
Franks Music Page is a website for the music lover, but especially for the acoustic guitarist. Here you will find practice material, examples and guitar songs composed or played by me. The undersigned has 40 years of experience as a guitarist and bassist in about 15 bands, but lately he has mainly played acoustically as a solo artist in shops, on terraces and at festivals. The entire repertoire can be found on the Repertoire Page. You will also find examples here.
On the next page you will find a list of performances.
You can book via this website or the associated contact page for performances in the catering industry, at parties or weddings or simply at your home. It is possible to book with a bassist or a singer to complete the atmosphere, but I have already come a long way.
An acoustic performance consists of a varied repertoire with songs by Harry Sacksioni, Tommy Emmanuel, Doyle Dikes, The Beatles, CSNY and many others. If desired, electric music is also played, but the repertoire consists of songs by Eric Johnson, Satriani, Andy Timmons and Santana and is therefore a bit heavier, but swings like crazy because backing tracks are used. There is something for everyone, but everything in consultation.
I am also available to fill in for bands and a performance or jam.
If you are interested, please send the contact form and you will receive a response soon or send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. .
My "Gear" consists of the following instruments:
- 2 Martinez Acoustic guitars, one western and one classic guitar
- 1 one Schecter Robert Cray Custom Shop Stratocaster
- 1 one Ibanez 600E Custom Shop Bas Guitar
- 12 Bluesharmonica
- 1 complete home studio
- 2 Martinez Acoustic guitars, one western and one classic guitar
- 1 one Schecter Robert Cray Custom Shop Stratocaster
- 1 one Ibanez 600E Custom Shop Bas Guitar
- 12 Bluesharmonica
- 1 complete home studio